Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrigitte Bardot Puts Legacy Behind New Eco Friendly Lancel Bag

Brigitte Bardot Puts Legacy Behind New Eco Friendly Lancel Bag

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 11th, 2010 in Actresses, Fashion.

Brigitte Bardot Lancel

Brigitte Bardot Lancel

French animal rights activist and former actress and sex icon Brigitte Bardot has partnered with the leather goods company Lancel.

A vegetarian and leather company? No, this isn’t an oxymoron. Bardot is the inspiration behind the new eco-friendly bag, which currently can only be seen in sketches, as it’s just in the very earliest stages of development.

Since 1876 the company has been making handbags of the animal hide type, so this should come as refreshment and sign of yet another business recognizing the market for green and cruelty-free.

Still, some are already arguing it’s risky business, especially for Bardot’s reputation as Lancel’s main product is still leather.

Here’s what The Frisky has to say about it:

“Perhaps Bardot’s intention is to attempt to change the materials Lancel uses, but it’s doubtful that a company creating leather bags since 1876 would all of a sudden go green. Just sayin’.”

What’s your opinion on the Bardot and Lancel relationship? Are you holding your breath until you see the finished product?

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