Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Irwin Unhappy With Australia Treatment Of Dingos

Bob Irwin Unhappy With Australia Treatment Of Dingos

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 10th, 2010 in Animal Issues.

Bob Irwin

Bob Irwin

Bob Irwin suffered a heart attack in March, and has used the opportunity to re-evaluate his priorities. The father of the late Steve Irwin says he wants to focus on environmental conservation and caring for injured wildlife.

One area of animal welfare that concerns him is Australia’s wild dogs, known as dingoes. Current laws prohibit people from feeding the dogs, citing that feeding them makes them less fearful of humans and more likely to attack. But Irwin is disturbed by the numbers of thin and malnourished dogs he sees and wants other options to ensure their health and survival.

“Nobody should have to walk past an animal that’s starving and the Fraser Island dingos are emaciated,” he said, adding he was also distraught by the tagging system used to track the dogs, as it causes ear disfigurements and affects the dogs’ senses when they fold over.

Ironically, earlier this year, a Queensland Government ranger was reprimanded for allegedly feeding the wild dogs, even though she was in a position to uphold the law forbidding it. The ranger was accused of interacting with 17 dogs totally, six of which were puppies and several had to be put down afterwards.

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