Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker Matching PETA Donations Until July 4th

Bob Barker Matching PETA Donations Until July 4th

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 9th, 2010 in Animal Issues.

Mar. 10, 2010 - Los Angeles, California, USA - Mar 10, 2010 - Los Angeles, California, USA - TV personality BOB BARKER and PETA co-founder INGRID NEWKIRK attend the dedcation ceremony for PETA's new Los Angeles headquarters. © Red Carpet Pictures

From now until July 4th, Bob Barker has agreed to match all donations in PETA’s drive to raise $250,000 by that date, which will go towards an even bigger challenge of eventually raising $2 million.

PETA writes on the donation site:

“We know our online donors are some of the most generous and rapid responders to these challenges, and we decided to start with this group of loyal supporters first in our attempt to raise the full challenge amount.”

Standard gift suggestions are given as $25, $50 and $100, but there is an optional box for those who wish to give other amounts.

The vegetarian former Price is Right host gave money to help renovate a building for the organization’s Los Angeles headquarters and said it was the most, “effective and most productive of all animal rights or animal welfare groups in the world.”

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