Quantcast Vegetarian StarBetty White Wildlife Rapid Response Fund Aids Gulf Coast Dolphin Research

UNIVERSAL CITY, CA - JUNE 06: Actress Betty White speaks onstage at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal Studios on June 6, 2010 in Universal City, California. (Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images)

Betty White has worked with the Morris Animal Foundation for years, and the organization has established the Betty White Wildlife Rapid Response Fund, which gives wildlife researchers money to aid in times of disasters, such as that of the Gulf Coast oil spill.

Dr. Randall Wells of the Chicago Zoological Society’s Dolphin Research and Conservation Institute, based at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, will examine the effects of the oil spill on about 160 bottlenose dolphins living on the Sarasota Bay off the Gulf of Mexico.

There is already data on this community of dolphins, and the Betty White Wildlife Rapid Response Fund will now aid researchers to gather data after the spill.

“There is a long history of research on this population of dolphins,” says Patricia Olson, DVM, PhD, president/CEO of MAF. “This project has a great chance of documenting the effects of severe and chronic oil pollution in this species and many more animals affected by pollution found in the ocean.”

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