Quantcast Vegetarian StarReport Says Colleges Bow Down To Michael Pollan Liberal Agenda

"The Omnivore's Dilemma" Michael Pollan

"The Omnivore's Dilemma" Michael Pollan

The National Association of Scholars has compiled a report titled “What Do Colleges Want Students to Read Outside Class?” that accuses colleges of designing summer reading programs for incoming freshman that include books aimed to “either explicitly promote a liberal political agenda or advance a liberal interpretation of events.”

Michael Pollan‘s “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” is on the association’s list and is said to be “promoting environmentalism and animal rights.” Yes, a real waste of reading, that’s for sure.

Alix Schwartz, director of academic planning at the University of California at Berkeley, defended the university’s reading selection for the 2009-2010 school year, which happens to be Pollan’s radical, pro environment, pro animal piece of material.

Schwartz insists that Pollan’s book is not meant to push a particular viewpoint on students, but to generate intellectual discussion. After all, this is a university environment, you know. Mom and dad no longer have to sign permission slips before you watch that eye opening film in the classroom.

“It’s not a monolithic thing, where everyone bows down to Michael Pollan,” Schwartz added, and explained that Berkley has used to book to stir up discussion among faculty, seminars, lectures and panels.

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