Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Heather Mills Says Every Food Has Veggie Version

Photo by: MP1/Xposure/starmaxinc.com 2010 5/24/10 Heather Mills at the premiere of Arabia

“Once you fully understand it then you see that everything is replaceable and that’s why I created a virtual replication of McDonald’s. If my daughter wants to have a burger and chips, she can have it. It’s just the chips are oven-baked and the burger is meat-free, but tastes like a burger. Everything is replaceable. If she wants a cake, she can have a cake. If she wants ice cream, she can have ice cream.”

Heather Mills, in an interview with Birmingham Post, on how a vegan/vegetarian diet doesn’t mean giving up traditional foods, just replacing with with ones made from plant based ingredients. Heather has replaced many animal products in her line of Redwood Wholefood faux meat and cheeses.

From faux burgers, faux cheese and egg substitute powders in vegan desserts, what’s your favorite way to replace animal ingredients in your diet?

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