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Guess That Demanding Vegetarian!

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 4th, 2010 in Food & Drink.

Business 2 The Daily Mail has a “Guess that celebrity diva” article, featuring some picky stars like Victoria Beckham and her requests for specifically chopped produce from specific stores. One vegetarian musician has some pretty strict demands, not only about eating, but also forbids animal hides in anything– vehicle or room. “…won’t travel in a stretch limousine with leather seats and issues blanket bans on animal skin coverings of any kind. Even fake animal print is unacceptable.” “…insists on full vegetarian catering served on an 8ft banqueting table covered in a white tablecloth.” Can you guess that vegetarian? Answer below. Paul McCartney performs Michelle in the East Room of the White House in Washington

Paul McCartney!

Guess more divas at The Daily Mail.

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