Quantcast Vegetarian StarVictoria Beckham Fruit And Vegetable Demands–Keep Separate, Buy From Whole Foods

Photo by: Quasar/starmaxinc.com 2010 5/24/10 Victoria Beckham at a Night of Fashion and T

Victoria Beckham is a diva when it comes to her vegetables.

The former Spice Girl reportedly sends her managers running left and right to satisfy her demands for fresh produce before each and every photo shoot gig.

An example of what Beckham requests from Gossip Center:

“Chopped fresh fruit – cut pineapple with grated lime peel, green seedless grapes, red grapes (frozen), cut-up pear with lemon juice, apples, peeled pink grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. Please DO NOT MIX up the fruit but keep separate.”

The pescatarian is even picky about what store things are purchased from.

“Plain Green salad (no dressings on it) – balsamic vinegar on the side. This is NOT balsamic vinaigrette but PLAIN balsamic vinegar. The thicker version so either aged/glazed balsamic (buy at Wholefoods in USA) or take regular and reduce it on the hob.”

One lackey for Beckham jokingly told The Sun that if Beckham ever found a Big Mac in her dressing room, they’d be fired.

Sounds like fair policy.

What’s your favorite fruit or veggie to demand from your spouse, partner or local grocer?

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