Quantcast Vegetarian StarWal-Mart Among Top Organic Cotton Consumers In Retail

A Wal-Mart cart is seen at the parking lot of a Wal-Mart market in Miami, Florida

Sure, Walmart may suck at a lot of humanitarian issues, like their connection to sweatshops, denying workers fair pay, overtime, health care, maternity leave and violating labor laws in the U.S. and other countries, but when it comes to purchasing sustainable, non-toxic cotton, they’re making great strides.

According to Home Textiles Today, the retailer was one of the top organic cotton using brands and retailing in 2009, along with C&A (Belgium), Nike, Williams-Sonoma, Inc., H&M, Anvil Knitwear, Coop Switzerland, Greensource Organic Clothing Co., Levi Strauss & Co., Target, adidas, and Nordstrom.

“Many people thought the recession would mean an end to all things organic, but the market reacted in quite the opposite way,” said LaRhea Pepper, senior director and co-author of the report done by the non-profit Organic Exchange. The report states sales of organic cotton jumped 35% in the same year to $4.3 billion.

Great job Walmart. This year lets aim to be in the top 10 in those other aforementioned categories.

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