Quantcast Vegetarian StarDisney “World Of Color” Offers Boxed Vegetarian Lunches

Disney Restructuring To Bring Layoffs

Disneyland is giving families the opportunity to pre-order meals when visiting the California park’s World of Color exhibit that premieres on June 11, 2010. The show, at Disney’s California Adventure, part of the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, features over 1200 fountains, laser lights, fireworks and colorful projections on screen.

By going online, guests can order boxed picnic meal options and two vegetarian meals available include the Mediterranean Vegetarian (marinated grilled vegetables in a whole wheat wrap with roasted garlic hummus) and a children’s meal of The Lunchbox Classic (peanut butter and jelly).

Hopefully, Disney will also use some of its organic produce in the pre-ordered meals.

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