Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Dancing Condoms Promoting Spaying And Neutering In June

Dedication Ceremony for PETA's Bob Barker Building

You’ve heard what’s on Gene Baur‘s and Farm Sanctuary’s agenda for this month in the realm of animal rights.

Now, the Los Angeles Times talks to Ingrid Newkirk to see what PETA’s plans are in their May in Animal News feature.

Since you’re already a veggie or at least reducing your meat intake, you won’t have to worry about the dancer rubber stopping you on the street with a vegetarian starter kit.

We don’t think there will be vegan, edible condoms in the kit either. Sorry.

When asked what PETA would be up to in June, Newkirk replied:

“A million projects, from promoting spaying and neutering through demonstrations featuring dancing condoms to distributing our free vegetarian/vegan starter kits. But we’ll also definitely be working hard to curb attendance at SeaWorld and at [Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s] shows. Indeed, we’ll continue to expose Ringling by circulating video footage of elephants being routinely beaten as well as photos of the cruel methods that Ringling uses to train baby elephants.”

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