Quantcast Vegetarian StarFarm Sanctuary’s Gene Baur Discusses Goals For June

Farm Sanctuary’s Gene Baur Discusses Goals For June

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 1st, 2010 in Animal Issues.

Winter Wonderland For The Animals: A Farm Sanctuary Benefit

The Los Angeles Times has featured five questions with Farm Sanctuary’s co-founder and president Gene Baur on the organization’s goals and his personal motivation for the work he does to protect animals.

Baur says June, like any month, will be a busy one at Farm Sanctuary, as he and other representatives will continue their work with the case against the Ohio dairy worker charged with 12 counts of animal abuse to cows as well as talking to officials in Washington about the state of school food.

“Farm Sanctuary will remain involved with the Conklin dairy case and initiative in Ohio, and our farm visitor programs will continue. We’ll also be reaching out to officials in Washington, D.C., and urging them to support policies to prevent animal cruelty and promote a healthier, plant-based food production system. Among the federal legislation we are supporting is the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act (H.R. 4733) and the Healthy School Meals Act (H.R. 4870).”

For more, visit the Los Angeles Times.

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