Quantcast Vegetarian Star“So You Think You Can Dance” Gets Vegetable Strip Tease

“So You Think You Can Dance” Gets Vegetable Strip Tease

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 28th, 2010 in Reality TV.

Fox's So You Think You Can Dance Season 7 Viewing Party - Arrivals

People who audition for So You Think You Can Dance are similar to the hopefuls on American Idol–they’ve got to be looking for attention!

Host Cat Deeley and the dynamic panel of judges that has included Nigel Lythgoe have seen it all, but during their stop in New York they were entertained by a low-budget horror film director who was dressed in fruits and vegetables, and who’s routine included throwing broccoli at the judges.

Judge Adam Shankman said of the performance and costume, “I almost wore that today, that would have been so awkward!”

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