Quantcast Vegetarian StarRedwood Wholefood Named UK Most Ethical Company For 5th Year

Redwood Foods

Redwood Foods

Redwood Wholefood, the vegan prepared foods company acquired by Heather Mills, has been named UK’s Most Ethical Vegetarian Foods Supplier for the 5th year in a row by the Ethical Company Organization, which rewards corporate responsibility.

Heather Mills said of the award, “We’re absolute thrilled to have come top of the ECO’s Ethical Company Index for the fifth year running. Redwood’s aim has always been to look after people, the planet and animals by producing the very best food for people’s health while taking the pressure off the planet and giving animals a better life.”

Redwood produces over 50 food products, many faux meats and faux cheeses, under the names of Cheatin’, Vegideli and Cheezly. The company received an overall score of 92% for its ethical efforts, up 1% from last year.

Redwood sells its products to several UK supermarkets, such as Waitrose and Tesco, and exports to 16 countries worldwide.

Factors taken into account when awarding the ethical score include animal rights and welfare, human rights, product integrity and the use of genetically modified organisms.  Another popular vegetarian foods company the ECO scored was the Linda McCartney food range, which received a 75%.

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2 Responses to “Redwood Wholefood Named UK Most Ethical Company For 5th Year”

  1. Eco-Vegan Gal Says:

    This is great! Redwood is a wonderful company that makes delicious products, and Heather is a doll.

  2. Heather Mills Redwood Whole Food Now Kosher Certified Says:

    […] company that was recently named the Most Ethical, secured the certification from Manchester Beth Din, one of the leading Kosher certification […]