Quantcast Vegetarian StarBetty White Asks Pet Lovers To Trade “Bucks For Balls”

Betty White "Bucks For Balls"

Betty White "Bucks For Balls"

Sitting on the board of directors, Betty White is the face of the latest campaign by Actors and Others for Animals to control the unwanted pet population.

The non-profit organization is asking for donations, and next year, when it reaches its 40th anniversary, the funds will be used to spay and neuter as many animals as possible for free in a campaign titled, “Betty’s Bucks for Balls Spay/Neuter campaign.”

“I am deeply flattered to say the least with all of the wonderful attention I have been receiving lately,” White is quoted as saying. “It certainly makes me feel like one lucky old broad!”

“But you know who isn’t so lucky? All the beautiful and innocent animals who are killed every day because there aren’t enough homes. That’s why having your pets spayed or neutered is so very important. It stops the breeding cycle, helps eliminate the birth of unwanted animals and provides health benefits to boot!”

Actors and Others for Animals is a California based organization serving the greater Los Angeles area and surrounding counties.

Donations to Bucks For Balls can be made on the organization’s website, Actors and Others.

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One Response to “Betty White Asks Pet Lovers To Trade “Bucks For Balls””

  1. phillip buckets Says:

    Betty White who just did some shameless promotion for a hot dog restaurant (where she stuffed her face with hotdogs) is now pleading with us to save animals. hm.