Quantcast Vegetarian StarMiles Davis Nursed To Health By Cicely Tyson Diet And Finger Exercise Regime

Miles Davis

Miles Davis

The Miles Davis exhibit “We Want Miles” is currently on display at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts at 1380 Sherbrooke St. W. in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The photography, art, album covers and artifacts of the famous trumpeter will be on display until August 29, 2010.

Miles and Cicely Tyson were married in 1981, and when Miles suffered a stroke and was temporarily unable to play the trumpet, Tyson mandated a vegetarian diet and Chinese medicine to put him on the road to recovery, according to the Vancouver Sun.

The combination of the diet and Tyson’s recommendations that Miles paint to exercise his fingers allowed him to recover and play again even though doctors were convinced his music career was over.

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