Quantcast Vegetarian StarJesus Image Found On Seitan (Photo)

Jesus Image Found On Seitan (Photo)

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 20th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Offbeat.

Jesus In Seitan

Jesus In Seitan

Jesus has been found on trees, toast and other objects and now vegetarian Christians, scholars and others interested in the most talked about man from Biblical Times can now claim seeing the central figure of Christianity in seitan, which, ironically, is pronounced “Satan.”

Someone sent a photo to Belief Net and PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in an email, saying the image was discovered after unwrapping a package of prepared seitan.

“I couldn’t beleive [sic] what I saw! Its [sic] Jesus on the cross! I was showing it to my room mates and one of them said, “You’re all about PETA, send it to them!”…Thought it was a real sign for this image of Jesus to appear in my peaceful vegan meal–He was the one who said “Thou shall not kill” and I know He would be against bloody killing of animals in slaughter houses.”

Well said, and commenters on the site pretty much backed up the sentiments in the email.

“That’s cool that the person found Jesus in seitan. Today’s meat, egg and dairy factory farms are the complete opposite of what Jesus taught: kindness for all beings”

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