Quantcast Vegetarian StarFat Mike Burger At Thistle Hill Tavern Isn’t The Vegetarian One

Fat Mike "NOFX" Credit: Squirrelza on Wikimedia Commons

Fat Mike "NOFX" Credit: Squirrelza on Wikimedia Commons

Fat Mike, from the American punk rock band formed in San Francisco, NOFX, is one of the owners of the Thistle Hill Tavern in Brooklyn, New York.

Fat Mike once sang a song mocking vegetarians, and although Vegetarian Mumbo Jumbo contains phrases like, “I don’t feel bad about/Eating something that’s dead/So why should I be sad/For cows getting hit in the head?” he later became a vegetarian, citing that, “people change.”

Definitely for the better.

However, the menu at Thistle Hill Tavern co-owned by the NOFX musician has the “Fat Mike” burger being a beefy, grass fed one, despite the fact there’s a vegan burger also on the menu which comes with fried fennel.

Might this have been coined based on Fat Mike’s days of Vegetarian Mumbo Jumbo?

Or did Fat Mike make a change again for the worse?

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