Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarack Obama Urged To Drop Burger For “Yes We Kale” Campaign

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A writer in the Chicago Tribune has made some suggestions for president Barack Obama the next time he goes on an eating outing.

Stay away from the burgers and order some beans!

Obama should hit the veggie restaurants, writes the Food Critic, and partake in a salad bar photo op.

“I realize that, as a man of the people, you have to dig into what the locals eat. When in Buffalo, N.Y., as you were this month, delivering a speech on the troublesome economy to a particularly hard-hit city, you’re not going to be grabbing a steaming mound of quinoa at the local veggie restaurant. But wouldn’t it be cool if you did? But this effort needs a slogan. How do you feel about “Yes We Kale”?”

Make that an order of organic kale.

Obama’s own Cancer Panel recommends it.

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