Quantcast Vegetarian StarOctomom–Nadya Suleman–Unveils PETA Sign In Yard

Octomom–Nadya Suleman–Unveils PETA Sign In Yard

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 18th, 2010 in Animal Issues.

Octomom PETA

Octomom PETA

The Octomom, Nadya Suleman, will unveil the PETA banner encouraging pet owners to spay and neuter their animals tomorrow at her home in La Habra, California, at 11 AM.

Suleman accepted the offer from the animal rights organization to post the sign in her yard in March, in exchange for $5,000 and a month’s supplies of vegetarian faux meats.

Are any of those children even eating solid foods now?

The message is pretty simple, as the sign reads, “Don’t Let Your Dog or Cat Become an ‘Octomom’: Always Spay and Neuter.”

A spokesperson for PETA told X17Online, “Too many dogs and cats are ‘octomoms’ and while there’s a lot of controversy regarding Ms. Suleman’s decision to use in vitro fertilization, there’s no question that the breeding of cats and dogs is killing cats and dogs.”

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