Quantcast Vegetarian StarMacKenzie Green Miss D.C. USA Enjoys Lifefood Gourmet Between Classes

MacKenzie Green "Miss DC USA"

MacKenzie Green "Miss DC USA"

There were at least two publicly acknowledging vegans in the 2010 Miss USA pageant.

Neither won, but the fact that two of the ladies were open about their diet and lifestyle to the public still made a good impact on the movement.

MacKenzie Green, who represented as Miss District of Columbia, is a University of Miami senior that loves dining at Miami’s Lifefood Gourmet between her classes for her double major of sports administration and broadcast journalism.

“I love, love, love, love, love, love Lifefood Gourmet,” Green told NBC Miami. “It is an amazing place. It’s all raw vegan, and it’s right off of Calle Ocho. I love the raw vegan pizza. You never feel bad when all you’re eating is nuts, grains, avocado and diced tomatoes.”

“It’s my primo go-to place.”

Guess it’s safe to say Lifefood Gourmet is an option way before the dining hall or student commons.

For good old fashioned college junk food without the freshman 15, opt for the Mediterranean nachos, tortilla chips with Brazil Nut Hummus, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, cilantro, parsley, olives and onions.

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One Response to “MacKenzie Green Miss D.C. USA Enjoys Lifefood Gourmet Between Classes”

  1. Davina Reeves Or MacKenzie Green–Who Would You [Miss USA Edition] Says:

    […] Davina Reeves, Miss New York, has revealed she likes it mushy, while Miss District of Columbia MacKenzie Green prefers it raw. […]