Quantcast Vegetarian StarWolfgang Puck Voices Vegetarian Chef Smurf In “The Smurfs” Movie

82nd Academy Awards Food And Beverage Preview

Wolfgang Puck is set to voice the role of Chef Smurf in the upcoming The Smurfs movie, according to Entertainment Weekly.

If the producers follow the traditional character’s role, Puck won’t be talking about grilling any steak or broiling chicken.

According to Chef Smurf’s Wikipedia entry, he never uses meat, only eggs because Smurfs are mostly vegetarian.

In the cartoon series, he is also Greedy Smurf, who eats lots of cakes and pastries, even stealing  goodies from Baker Smurf, who ends up chasing him for it.

Hey, hey, hey now.

Vegetarian food may be free of a lot of things like trans fat, cholesterol and cruelty, but you still gotta pay for it.

Since it is 2010, it’s high time Baker Smurf incorporate some vegan pastries, including gluten-free varieties.

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