Quantcast Vegetarian StarPrince Charles Believes Cheap Food More Expensive Than Organic In Long Run

Charles And Camilla Visit Hungary - Day 1

Prince Charles has been an outspoken proponent of organic farming for some time, and he recently gave the Times Online a glimpse into the Highgrove farm and garden.

He denies the notion that organic farming isn’t a sustainable way to feed people, citing that although organic food costs more, people were paying three times as much for their food 30 years ago.

“Organic production costs more because of the effort and the management and the time that has gone into it,” he said. “Yet 30 years ago people were spending 30 per cent of their income on food, now it’s 10 per cent, so it’s all relative.”

Perhaps their health care costs were cheaper three decades ago too, as now mass produced and processed foods have contributed to obesity and other lifestyle related diseases, the effects of such wreaking havoc on both human and animal health.

“I’ve always felt that if you rely on endless inputs, artificial, chemical, goodness knows what, and if you treat animals like machines, it is not durable in the long term because nature will rebel. If you imagine that dairy cattle will produce quantities of milk that Nature never intended, and feed them on food that Nature never intended them to eat, like these huge feed lots in the United States and elsewhere which I think are an abomination and immoral, you will have a problem with type 2 diabetes. You’re producing cheap food but you’re actually creating more expense elsewhere in the chain.”

Visit the Times Online for more.

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2 Responses to “Prince Charles Believes Cheap Food More Expensive Than Organic In Long Run”

  1. Prince Charles Opens Home For “Garden Party To Make A Difference” Says:

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