Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnti “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” Ads Go Up Before Discovery Shareholder Meeting

An Intimate Evening with Sarah Palin

If you live near the Discovery Channel, you may have noticed a series of posters in bus stations put up by Defenders of Wildlife, timed to coincide with the network’s shareholders meeting May 5.

Defenders of Wildlife is hoping Discovery will cancel Sarah Palin‘s tentatively titled show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” citing the politician’s track record on animal and environmental issues is not appropriate for a station designed to celebrate nature.

The various ads read with catchy and critical words for Palin like, “Don’t Promote Someone Who Turned Alaska’s Cry Of The Wild Into A Cry For Help,” and urges viewers not to watch the show and Discovery to drop it from its program.

The series of ads can be viewed here.

More than 500,000 people have sent communication to Discovery officials, saying they do not support Palin hosting a nature show about Alaska.

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