Quantcast Vegetarian StarGlobal Vegan Bake Sale Spans Continents And Taste Buds

Global Vegan Bake Sale Spans Continents And Taste Buds

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 2nd, 2010 in Events, Food & Drink.

Still Life of a Chocolate Cup Cake Decorated with Heart Shapes

CNN has some great coverage of Global Vegan Bake Sale, an event that officially ends today.

According to the article, over 120 groups across six continents held bake sales to show people how delicious dairy, poultry and cruelty-free desserts can be.

Pictures of bake sales from New York, Romania, Australia and Ireland can be found in a slideshow on the site.

We think we spy some vegan peanut butter chocolate cups that look inspired by a recipe from Alicia Silverstone‘s cookbook, The Kind Diet.

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One Response to “Global Vegan Bake Sale Spans Continents And Taste Buds”

  1. Gary Loewenthal Says:

    Thanks so much for the shout-out! We’re at about 135 bake sales now!