Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeona Lewis Drinks Red Bull–Suitable For Vegetarians And Vegans

Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx, Leona Lewis and Alicia Keys at the Silver Rose Weekend in LA

Leona Lewis doesn’t like getting buzzed and has branded the idea of people needing to get drunk to have a good time, “ridiculous.”

This was revealed during her interview with In Style UK, where she said she prefers to have a Red Bull instead.

“I don’t drink. I haven’t for years it tastes like hairspray to me – I can have a great time without alcohol. I don’t need that to get me up on the dancefloor, I’m there already. I’ll sometimes have a little Red Bull. That’s my little buzz.”

Non-alcoholic partiers will be happy to know that, unlike many alcoholic drinks, Red Bull contains no animal products or derivatives and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

According to the website’s FAQ, Red Bull is vegan, Kosher, Halal, wheat-free, gluten-free and dairy free.

And that rumor about the taurine coming from the bull’s testicles?

That’s bulls–t!

“The taurine in Red Bull Energy Drink is a purely synthetic substance produced by pharmaceutical companies and is not derived from animals or animal materials. All ingredients for Red Bull Energy Drink are synthetically produced by pharmaceutical companies. This guarantees the highest quality.”

What a great reason to stay sober!

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