Quantcast Vegetarian StarDavina Reeves “Miss New York USA” Is Holistically Vegan

Davina Reeves “Miss New York USA” Is Holistically Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 30th, 2010 in Events, Food & Drink, Models.

2010 Miss USA Contestants Visit Nina Footwear Showroom

You know you’re finally a vegan when you no longer cheat and lick the spoon when making cookie dough with dairy.

Or when you don’t lick the spoon after making tuna fish sandwich.

That’s what Davina Reeves, Miss New York USA, was accustomed to before she made the switch.

Now she still makes her boyfriend’s tuna sandwich, but he’s the only one of the duo that eats Charlie.

Reeves made the decision to change her diet after suffering from several health issues and skin flare ups, according to IEatGrass.

Reeves hooked up with a vegan chef who suggested she meet with a nutritionist who taught her to combine complex carbs with plant based protein and non dairy calcium.

“Playing around with new restaurants or cooking new recipes. It’s kinda fun to think food of a beautiful gift. I think, “What can I find?” said Reeves.

Reeves will make an appearance at a free workshop on Holistic Living at the New York Open Center on May 1 at 7:30 PM to share her stories of health and healing.

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