Quantcast Vegetarian StarJosie Maran Thanks Mom For Green Influence

Josie Maran Thanks Mom For Green Influence

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 29th, 2010 in Environment-Eco-Green, Gardening.

The Green Lounge Benefit Santa Monica

Moby credits his mother for turning him on to veganism and animal rights, as he told Vegetarian Times she tried to “sneak tofu into my food and I would be outraged.”

Moby eventually learned to love the life his mother was trying to impress on him and as we approach Mother’s Day, model and eco friendly beauty products entrepreneur Josie Maran also thanks her mother for bringing her up environmentally friendly.

“My mom is my role model for being green,” Maran said, and revealed that earlier that afternoon she had shown her own daughter how to plant produce in the garden.

Do you have your mother to thank for being vegetarian and green?

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One Response to “Josie Maran Thanks Mom For Green Influence”

  1. Josie Maran GOGO Mascara + City Of Hope Fight Cancer Says:

    […] credits her mother for introducing her to a green life and said mom used to “sneak tofu into my food,” which initially made Maran angry until […]