Quantcast Vegetarian StarCheryl Burke, Bethenny Frankel, Alison Sweeney Diet Tips

Cheryl Burke, Bethenny Frankel, Alison Sweeney Diet Tips

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 29th, 2010 in Food & Drink.

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Three celebrities revealed the Shape a few secrets to maintaining a diet in an otherwise snack laden world.

Actually, it’s not bad to snack, and Cheryl Burke, Bethenny Frankel and Alison Sweeney all gave some fantastic tips that involve incorporating vegetarian foods into your diet that keep you full and away from the bad stuff.

Cheryl Burke Says Get The Dairy Out At Restaurants:
“I ask for restaurant dishes to be made with olive oil rather than butter or for them to hold the cheese. If they can’t accommodate me, I find something else on the menu.”

Bethenny Frankel Says Get Your Grains On:
“Incorporate them whenever possible. If the topping tastes decadent—say, a whole-grain baguette with sautéed mushrooms, truffle oil, and Pecorino Romano—no one will feel cheated.”

Alison Sweeney Says Keep Veggies Within Reach:
“If you clean them, cut them up, and put them in a bowl, they’ll get eaten. Right now my son, Ben, is loving red bell peppers and sugar snap peas.”

Read more of the ladies’ diet tips at Shape.

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