Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Dirt! The Movie” Says 6-8 Inches Is Ideal Size

Dirt! The Movie, a film about the health of the Earth’s soil, is being screened across the country.

Dirt! was shown on PBS this week, and features interviews with Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai, founder of Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement, mycologist Paul Stamens, urban farmers and female prisoners in Riker’s Island who are gardening behind bars.

What’s so important about getting dirty?

For vegetarians, the quality of our plant food depends on it.

According to the Huffington Post, it takes approximately 100 years just to create 1 inch of topsoil and the U.S. is letting its topsoil erode 10-17 times faster than it can be replaced.

Dirt! maintains that the first 6-8 inches of soil are crucial for maintaining life on the planet, and that tiny layer is being threatened by human mistakes like bad agricultural practices and pollution.

To find a screening of Dirt! new you, visit the film’s website and enter your zip code.

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