Jack Hanna On Nut Case Animal Rights Activists
Written by Vegetarian Star on April 27th, 2010 in Animal Issues.
Jack Hanna and animal rights activists aren’t best friends forever.
More recently, he and PETA’s president Ingrid Newkirk shared words over the value of holding dolphins captive in places like SeaWorld.
Another area where he and activists may differ is the area of zoos, where animals are restricted to small spaces versus being free to roam for miles in their natural habitats.
Hanna thinks this is something that’s unavoidable, as some animals cannot be released into the wild.
“I’ve tried working with animal rights groups, and some of those people are just plain nut cases,” Hanna told Northern Express. “You can’t just put all the animals back out into the wild. That’s why we have zoos – good zoos, not bad ones. We have 220 of them in this country. Ninety nine percent of our animals come from other zoos – animals that are born in captivity. Not everyone has the means to travel like I do, and this allows people to see these animals up close. People leave learning something.”
With animal rights activists like PETA, it’s not necessarily the wild they’re recommending, but sanctuaries.
These environments would offer the larger living spaces that more closely mimick an animal’s natural habitat.
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