Quantcast Vegetarian StarIsabel Lucas Became Activist After Seeing Frog Tortured To Death

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Isabel Lucas is a vegetarian and animal rights activist who’s views have even gotten her arrested on occasion, such as the time she protested against the dolphin slaughter in Japan.

Years ago, she wasn’t as outspoken about her beliefs.

Until an incident with a frog changed that.

When she was 10, Isabel saw a boy torture a frog to death.

“I was shocked and upset with myself for not saying anything,” Isabel said. “I felt so guilty and furious afterwards.

“From then on, I thought if anything like that happens again, I’m going to say something. I’m grateful to him for that experience – that’s how you learn, through your mistakes.”

“I do feel I am in a unique position where I can use my public status to draw attention to things that matter to me and hopefully a lot of other people as well.”

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