Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jane Goodall Doesn’t Fight For Animal Rights

Jane Goodall In Conversation With Thane Maynard

“I personally am never going to fight for rights per se. All this fighting for human rights and yet we abuse them everyday, all around the world. So while we’re still abusing human rights is it really going to help the animals? It won’t harm them to have rights. I would always say ‘good show’ to the people who fight for them. My approach is different. I’m fighting for human responsibility.”

“So my job is to make people think of animals differently – as they really are. You can have a law – and we’re surrounded by laws – but it’s so often possible to get around them – they are continually being broken. So I want people to understand that animals really do have personalities and feelings – so that they want to obey laws that protect them.”

–Primatologist, conservationist and author Jane Goodall, on her take on how to protect animals from abuse and mistreatment.

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