Quantcast Vegetarian StarDoc Martens Celebrates Year 50 Without Vegans

Doc Martens Celebrates Year 50 Without Vegans

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 22nd, 2010 in Business, Fashion.

Doc Martens

Doc Martens. Credit: Tarquin on Wikimedia Commons

Doc Martens celebrates its 50th year in manufacturing the famous 14 and 18 holed shoes this month.

The company started out very eco-friendly, as Dr Klaus Märtens and Dr Herbert Funck constructed the first pair from recycled discarded rubber from former Luftwaffe airfields.

Years later the company began making vegan versions of Docs, but the production of those shoes were halted when it relocated factories to Asia.


There are other vegan shoes in the sea.

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One Response to “Doc Martens Celebrates Year 50 Without Vegans”

  1. Frani Says:

    Doc Martens will be releasing a vegan shoe collection in 2011 so watch for it!