Quantcast Vegetarian StarStephanie Pratt “Be Nice To Bunnies” PETA iPhone App Ad (Photo)

Stephanie Pratt "Be Nice To Bunnies " PETA iphone app Ad

Stephanie Pratt "Be Nice To Bunnies " PETA iphone app Ad

Stephanie Pratt has hopped out of her clothes to draw attention to the very important cause of using cruelty-free cosmetics.

Stephanie has joined forces with PETA to bring you an iphone application that is hooked up with the animal rights organization’s database of cruelty-free products.

The app allows you to search by manufacturer, brand or product category.

According to Starpulse, Stephanie’s full ad was deemed too racy (imagine!) to put on the iphone app, so PETA is using the clothed image of The Hills star for it.

More from Starpulse:

“Some companies, such as Clorox and Unilever, still test their personal-care and household products on animals despite the availability of more sophisticated methods. No law requires that products be tested on animals, and the results of such testing cannot be reliably applied to humans.”

The app is available for $1.99 and more information can be found at itunes.

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2 Responses to “Stephanie Pratt “Be Nice To Bunnies” PETA iPhone App Ad (Photo)”

  1. Stephanie Pratt Video On Why She Chose PETA iPhone Application Says:

    […] that’s why she chose to be the cover girl for PETA’s iphone application, Be Nice To Bunnies, that lets you search for cruelty-free […]

  2. Stephanie Pratt Feels Guilty For Not Being Vegetarian Says:

    […] Pratt is the cover girl for PETA’s new iphone application, Be Nice To Bunnies, that allows you to search for products and companies that do not test on […]