Quantcast Vegetarian StarJosie Maran Natural Beauty Products

Josie Maran Natural Beauty Products

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 21st, 2010 in Cosmetics And Beauty Products, Models.

7th Annual Global Green USA Pre-Oscar Party

Josie Maran has her own line of cosmetics that are sourced from natural ingredients and are not tested on animals.

Maran was the face of Maybeline for a decade and soon realized she was more than just a pretty face for the cosmetic industry–she was an entrepreneur as well.

Launched in 2006, the products she prides on being free of toxic ingredients such as parabens and petrochemicals are being demanded by celebrity make up artists that do work for stars like Megan Fox.

The model who tries to eat organic and vegetarian as much as possible made a list of things never to put in her eyeliner, lipstick and blush and stuck with it.

“I have a no-no list and I aim to make my products as natural and organic as possible,” Maran told The Daily Green. “Everything has to be nontoxic. We have no parabens, no petrochemicals. We’re always reformulating. My goal is to make products nontoxic and healthy. You have to be realistic about getting high performing makeup. There are chemicals that aren’t toxic. We’ve put them together in a new way that’s not toxic. You have to ask a a lot of questions of the lab. And we’re doing as much research into the ingredients as possible and reformulating when things aren’t as good as they could be.”

Maran says when it comes to ingredients, less is more.

If you’re spending your entire lunch hour reading the bottle at the drug store, you should probably leave it on the shelf.

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