Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Almond Powder Explosion In Airport

Heather Mills Almond Powder Explosion In Airport

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 21st, 2010 in Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink.

The Cold Kiss - Express Black Book Screening Arrivals

Heather Mills experienced an explosion at an airport recently when the almond powder in one of her bags burst from its case, covering her clothes in whiteness.

Through a series of Tweets, Heather explained the situation, which she found funny even if airport officials didn’t.

“hilarious, vegan Almond powder exploded in case over all my clothes, then check in girl insists I lighten my case, I explained explosion occurring inside but she was adamant that i lighten my case, suffice to say, almond powder covered Stanstead airport.”

“Probably cost more to clean up than the 2 kilo overload. Saga continues through the airport but best mate ruth of 22 yrs have seen it all and laugh it off.”

The suspicious powder is not only gluten-free, but serves as an alcohol free alternative to almond extract and goes well as a non-dairy addition in coffee.

It’s also been suggested for use as a topping for oatmeal, fruit and making pie fillings taste like (prepare for horrible pun) da bomb!

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