Quantcast Vegetarian StarLea Michele Jenna Ushkowitz “Glee” Stars Share Green Tips

Join The Gleek Tour Featuring The Cast Of Glee

Earth Week is still going on until April 22 and several celebrities have shared their tips for being more eco friendly with Fox.

Vegetarians Lea Michele and Jenna Ushkowitz have tips and educational facts that will be provided to more than 2,000 radio stations to share during the month of April.

What does Michele do with her leftover orange peelings?

Well, she doesn’t throw them at co-star Cory Monteith.

“In the course of a year, if everyone in the U.S. composted their kitchen scraps instead of sending them to the trash, the organic waste diverted from landfills would cover the entire city of San Francisco,” Michele said.

Jenna Ushowitz says sign up for an audit.

Yikes, the IRS in your home?!

No, it’s just an energy audit, which can save you money.

“Did you know that 40% of our energy consumption and carbon emissions come from our homes, offices and schools? There are simple steps you can take to reduce your energy use, save your money and grow our economy. Speak to your local utility company about a free energy audit today.”

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