Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman–Best Green Celebrity Best Of Green Awards

Vanity Fair Oscar Party 2010 - Los Angeles

The Independent has named their Best of Green and vegan actress Natalie Portman was chosen as the best green celebrity.

Although Natalie’s eco and animal friendly shoe line, Te Casan, was a failure, her successes in activism both through living and campaigning make her one of the best choices.

After being vegetarian for years, she finally made the switch to vegan after reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s book, Eating Animals.

Her work in Rowanda highlighting the lives of gorillas only further strengthens her resume as a advocate of animals.

Not only does Natalie care about her own source of food, but she has brought the issue of childhood nutrition to the spotlight as well.

As if her diet weren’t eco friendly enough, Natalie is making the resolution to travel carbon neutral.

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