Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Biggest Loser 6 Weeks To A Healthier You” Bean Stew Recipe

Biggest Loser 6 Weeks To A Healthier You

Biggest Loser 6 Weeks To A Healthier You

A brand new cookbook featuring contributions from The Biggest Loser contestants and staff is out, and season 6 competitor Nicole Michalik has contributed her delicious meat and dairy free recipe in Biggest Loser 6 Weeks To A Healthier You.

“Broke Bean Stew” features vegetable broth with your choice of chickpeas, kidney beans or black beans seasoned with onion, garlic and cumin among other spices and herbs.

“I love, love, love! It’s high in protein but totally vegetarian. It’s so easy to make and freezes very well. I make it at least once a month,” said Michalik.

And since there aren’t many ingredients in the recipe and beans are relatively cheap, you won’t go broke if you choose to make it several times a month.

This is definitely the kind of food vegetarian coach Bob Harper pitches on the show.

You can grab the recipe for Broke Bean Stew at Prevention.

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One Response to ““Biggest Loser 6 Weeks To A Healthier You” Bean Stew Recipe”

  1. vegfud Says:

    Beans and lentils are a must for any vegetarian. It’s not only full of protein but also fiber which keeps your system functioning well and has many other beneficial effects on your health.

    Here are more vegetarian and vegan bean recipes:
