Quantcast Vegetarian StarTom Dwan 2 Million Vegetarian Prop Bet With Mikey Knuckles

Tom Dwan

Tom Dwan. Credit: Casino Connection on Wikipedia

Tom Dwan is offering another vegetarian prop bet to another poker lover.

After Phil Ivey gave up and paid Dwan $150,000 for giving into something as lame as fried chicken, Mikey Knuckles announced he’s willing to take on Ivey’s bet with a few more conditions.

In addition to not eating anything with a face, Knuckles will also lose 100 pounds over the course of the year, according to Cake Poker.

If Knuckles wins, Dwan will pay him $2 million, half for being vegetarian and half for losing weight.

That sounds like fair severance pay, considering Knuckles will have to at least take a sabbatical leave from his job as a Kansas City Barbecue Society certified barbeque judge, where he judges some 25 contests a year.

While Ivey was looking for the money (and no doubt Knuckles is too), Knuckles has greater motivation to win if he can stand to lose 100 pounds.

Giving up meat for a year.

One million.

Dropping several pants sizes and looking better on camera.

One million.

Making a decision that could add years to your life.


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