Quantcast Vegetarian StarJayde Nicole Eats Veggies After Bungee Jumping

Jayde Nicole Eats Veggies After Bungee Jumping

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 15th, 2010 in Celebrity Tweets, Food & Drink, Models.

PETA Serves Veggie Hot Dogs to speak out against National Hot Dog Month in Washington

Jayde Nicole spent the day at Six Flags with her friend Jesse Waits and the two had fun on the skycoaster bungee ride at Magic Mountain theme park.

After the event, Jayde took to Twitter to talk about the experience and tell everyone what she ate for the evening.

“Eating a giant plate of veggies and chugging water! Starting a health kick NOW.. Tips to come daily 🙂 xox”

Jayde’s already a vegetarian, so the Playmate who served veggie hot dogs on Capitol Hill must be getting ready to rid the vegan junk food from her diet.

Good thing Jayde ate the plate of veggies after the ride and not before–vegetables are great steamed, friend, baked and raw, but never regurgitated.

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One Response to “Jayde Nicole Eats Veggies After Bungee Jumping”

  1. lovemylifesofar Says:

    A bunch of us are trying to get carls jr to do a vegy ad with jayde nicole. They used audrina for burger so why not jayde to rep the vegetarian world. Can u help us?