Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Sesame Street” Cookie Monster Eats Less Cookies, No Yoga Yet

116th Tournament Of Roses Parade

Sesame Street keeps up with the times, and although a children’s television show, isn’t afraid to touch on the dark side of things, such as war and parents being deployed through the military.

The issue of childhood obesity is a dark war, and Cookie Monster has stepped up to the plate of responsibility by eating more nutritious snacks like apples and kale.

“We are doing a lot of work on what we call Healthy Habits for Life, which focuses on simple messages like ‘sometimes foods,’ ” said Gary Knell, president and CEO of Sesame Workshop, the non-profit educational organization behind the show, to Alibi. “It’s a tool to try to promote healthier eating. So a mom in Albuquerque can tell her kid, Look, even the Cookie Monster can’t eat cookies all the time.”

A cooking eating in moderation Cookie Monster is a good start, considering there are so many other programs aimed at children that are constantly displaying ads for less than nutritional food.

One study done with three television networks, PBS, Disney, and Nickelodeon, found in 130 food-related ads in about 100 hours of preschool programming, more than half were geared towards school children and most promoted sugary cereals and fast food.

But make no mistake he’s still not Veggie Monster. Nor is he Yoga Monster either.

” ‘Saturday Night Live’ accused us of making him the Pilates Monster,” Knell said.

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