Quantcast Vegetarian StarNBC “Green Week” Lands “Millionaire Matchmaker” Non Eco First Date

Bravo Media's 2010 Upfront Party

During the week of April 19, viewers watching programming on NBC Universal networks should expect to see more recycling, more lights out and hopefully less meat at the dinner table.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Green weeks take place on some 40 NBC Universal outlets in April and November, and an upcoming episode on Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker will feature a 39 year old eco friendly clothing line exec go into range after his blind date orders meat.

How did this chick get past Patty Stanger’s people during screening?

Stanger’s assistant, Chelsea Autumn, claims her mother bakes the best vegan cookies in the world that she occasionally brings in for the staff.

Hope this eco tycoon got a dozen or so of these after that horrible experience with bachelorette beefy.

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