Quantcast Vegetarian StarKarl Lagerfeld Designs Cola-Cola Bottle. Should You Drink It?

Candids: March 25, 2010

Karl Lagerfeld recently designed the bottle for Cola-Cola in France, which includes his silhouette and a pink cap.

Limited editions of this bottle, along with an opener, are being sold for $64 in France.

Lagerfeld is a big fan of Diet Coke, as he claims he lost almost 100 pounds drinking the beverage and eating steamed veggies, according to the Huffington Post.

Hopefully, there was a vegetable protein thrown in the veggies like pasta or tofu to make it healthier.

What worked for Lagerfeld (who currently still doesn’t eat meat) may not be the best option, as diet sodas and sodas in general probably contain ingredients from the Don’t Eat That List.

In addition, studies have found that diet sodas may actually increase weight gain as they make it harder to control your food intake.

Rats were given both yogurt sweetened with glucose and sweetened with a non-caloric sweetener.

The dieting rats gained more weight, put on more body fat and failed to cut back at the next dinner.

While rats aren’t people, the authors cited evidence that people who drink more diet sodas are at a higher risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome, a collection of medical problems like high blood pressure and insulin resistance that puts you at risk for heart disease and diabetes.

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