Quantcast Vegetarian StarAdy Gil May Turn “The Hump” Former Seafood Restaurant Vegan

Ady Gil. Photo: Hi-Def.com

Ady Gil. Photo: Hi-Def.com

The Hump, the well known sushi restaurant in California that was caught serving illegal whale meat by the staff who created the Academy Award winning film, The Cove, might take seafood completely off the menu.

Owner of American Hi-Def who donated a boat to the Sea Shepherd Conservation, Ady Gil, told the LAist his lawyers have contacted the city of Santa Monica about leasing the space.

If successful, Gil would like to turn it into a vegan restaurant.

Maybe he will call upon the chefs of Planet Green’s Future Food to make a vegetarian watermelon sushi once the vegan hump is in operation.

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One Response to “Ady Gil May Turn “The Hump” Former Seafood Restaurant Vegan”

  1. James Says:

    This is aweome!! Good luck Ady!