Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Food Network Magazine” Features Vegan Marshmallows

“Food Network Magazine” Features Vegan Marshmallows

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 5th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink.

Food Network Magazine

Food Network Magazine

Sweet and Sara and its vegan marshmallows are featured in the April 2010 issue of Food Network Magazine.

It’s about time vegan bakers help offset some of Paul Deen‘s usual recipe of the month of butter dipped battered ham and beef stack wrapped in bacon and drizzled with melted lard patties.

The company headquartered in Long Island City in New York is the home of vegan treats such as marshmallows without gelatin, vegan S’mores and other vegan desserts.

Sweet and Sara has been featured on the Food Network series “Unwrapped” and has also had one of its products named “Snack of the Day” on Rachael Ray‘s website.

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