Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Fall Out Boy” Andy Hurley Joining Earth Crisis On Upcoming Tour

Los Premios MTV 2009 - Show

Fall Out Boy veggie drummer Andy Hurley will be joining Earth Crisis for their upcoming tour, according to Punk News.

Hurley once attributed the lack of tabloid gossip about him to the fact that he’s a straight edge vegan who’ll never get caught doing things like, “stumbling out of a bar drunk.”

Earth Crisis is known for its involvement and support of animal rights issues and also maintaining a straight edge vegan life and speaking out on political issues.

Sounds like Andy will feel right at home.

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One Response to ““Fall Out Boy” Andy Hurley Joining Earth Crisis On Upcoming Tour”

  1. foresmac Says:

    Andy also played drums for the Indianapolis-based vegan straight edge band Birthright in the 90s.