Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Tour Serves 480 Vegetarian Meals A Day

Paul McCartney Takes To The Rooftop For A Performance On Letterman!

Paul McCartney is about to start his U.S. tour in a matter of weeks and is putting the finishing touches on the logistics of the matter.

One detail that’s important to get straight is how to feed himself and the crew.

According to The Mirror, the tour serves approximately 480 vegetarian meals a day to satisfy the full time crew of 150 people.

That’s a lot of veggie sandwiches!

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One Response to “Paul McCartney Tour Serves 480 Vegetarian Meals A Day”

  1. Paul McCartney Leona Lewis Meat Free Tours Says:

    […] mentioned before, Paul McCartney’s crew gets about 480 vegetarian meals a day as they tour the U.S., South America and […]