Quantcast Vegetarian StarSalma Hayek Offers Cooler Cleanse–Juice And Raw Vegan Foods

La Mamounia Hotel Inauguration

Salma Hayek has teamed up with Juice Generation’s Eric Helms to offer a cleansing system complete with vegan foods, Cooler Cleanse.

Hayek has been a fan of Helm’s juices and had him frequently ship them to her, including before her wedding.

The two have finally made their shared loved for juice a business and offer juices in the flavors of green juice, grapefruit mint, red juice with beets and apples, young coconut water, and nut milk sweetened with date.

The juices are made in NYC and cleanses are 3-5 days.

For those that want to nibble, raw vegan foods are available and include a cashew cheese ravioli and sunflower falafel.

The meals are prepared by Matteo Silverman, the chef behind the underground supper club 4 Course Vegan in Williamsburg.

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